Monday, March 9, 2020

US guided transgastric intervention in Roux en Y Gastric Bypass - Dr Nelly Tan

Renal manifestations of IGG4 - Dr Nelly Tan

Peri-nephric plasmacytoma in Multiple Myeloma patient - Dr Aarti Sekhar

Don't forget the bones- Blindspots in the abdomen and pelvis - Dr. Nelly Tan

Striated nephrogram on DWI - Dr. Aarti Sekhar

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Retrorectal cystic lesion DDX! - Dr. Aarti Sekhar

Differentiate between periaortic IGG4 vs lymphoma - Dr. Aarti Sekhar

Important Incidental finding on prostate MRI - Dr. Nelly Tan

Abdominal Case Conference 2/23/2021

  1:10 - Peterson space internal hernia from Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy 5:08 - hx of cervical cancer s/p remote radiation with radiatio...