Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Abdominal Radiology Case Conference 8/25/2020

0:00 - Subcapsular hepatic steatosis mimicking a mass!  Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
11:23 - Primary sclerosing cholangitis - Dr. Nelly Tan
20:02 - Pancreatic lymphoepithelial cyst - lipid content is a clue!  Dr. Aarti Sekhar
25:48 - Pancreatic MCN and the perils of IVC filter!  Dr. Aarti Sekhar
30:37 - Hepatic MCN vs cyst??  Dr. Aarti Sekhar
31:45 - Spontaneous duodenal hematoma - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
35:23 - Biliary dilation or.... pancreato-portal fistula??  Dr. Steve Eberhardt
40:30 - Brunner gland hamartoma - Dr. Nanda Thimmappa
46:44 - Two retroperitoneal cystic masses - diagnosis?  Dr. Nanda Thimmappa

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Abdominal Case Conference 2/23/2021

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