Coast to Coast Abdominal Radiology Case Webinar. Elevating your abdominal radiology knowledge one case at a time.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 11/10/2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 10/27/2020
0:00 – Type 3 aortic endoleak detected on non-contrast CT – Dr. Masoud Shiehmorteza
Abdominal Case Conference - 10/20/2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 10/6/2020
Friday, October 2, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 9/29/2020
0:00 - Large bladder mass in a young patient - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
2:33 - RCC met to the pancreas - with intravoxel fat! Dr. Aarti Sekhar
5:58 - Large complex hepatic cystic lesion - complicated cyst vs MCN?? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
9:10 - Splenic lesions and lytic calvarial lesions - mystery diagnosis! Dr. Aarti Sekhar
12:56 - Sciatic notch mass, companion case to last week - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
14:33 - Adrenal mass w/ calcifications = more likely to be ACC - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
18:36 - Cirrhotic patient with siderotic nodules - Dr. Ben Benson
22:17 - Retroesophageal mass detected on fluoro - great catch! Dr. Steve Eberhardt
Abdominal Case Conference - 9/22/2020
0:00 - Small bowel intussusception, cause? - Dr. Roopa Ram
3:00 - Companion case - colonic intussusception - Dr. Roopa Ram
4:10 - Colonic obstruction due to a large pelvic mass in patient with NF - Dr. Dr. Roopa Ram
7:20 - FNH vs Adenoma - CEUS can help! Dr. Nelly Tan
18:40 - Partial SBO due to small bowel mass and subtle mesenteric and liver findings - Dr. Cameron Adler
23:44 - T2 bright pelvic mass extending into the sciatic notch - it might be ancient! Dr. Manjil Chatterji
27:39 - Six companion cases of fibroids and mimics!
27:55 - Spectrum from leiomyoma w/ atypia to STUMP to leiomyosarcoma, including discussion of HLRCC syndrome (beware type 2 papillary RCCs!) - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
41:20 - Pregnant patient with unusual fibroid - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
42:37 - Fibroid with myxoid degeneration - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
45:44 - Lipoleiomyoma - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
46:30 - Pedunculated fibroid vs ovarian fibroma? Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
48:36 - Broad ligament fibroid vs parasitized fibroid?? Look for the stalk! Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
Abdominal Case Conference - 9/15/2020
0:00 - Why is this SMV kinked post-op?? Dr. Amar Udare
4:34 - Does RCC met to the spleen? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
8:00 - Ectopic pregnancy - what is the location? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
11:00 - RLQ pain (another Meckel's??) and incidental pancreatic ductal cut-off - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
14:30 - Pregnant patient with RLQ pain and hemorrhagic ovary - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
19:26 - Infectious aortic pseudoaneurysm with colon cancer and what organism?? Dr. Teresa Diaz
22:45 - Liver transplant patient w/ biliary pathology - ischemia vs other?? Dr. Nelly Tan
29:30 - Placenta accreta? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Abdominal Case Conference - 9/8/2020
0:00 - Companion cases of IPMN! Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 9/1/2020
Abdominal Radiology Case Conference 8/25/2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 8/13/2020
0:00 - IPNB of the liver x 2 - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Abdominal Case Conference - 8/11/2020
0:48 - Submucosal esophageal mass w/ fat! - Dr. Roopa Ram
Monday, August 10, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 8/4/2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 7/21/2020
0:00 - Adenomyoma and deep invasive endometriosis - Dr. Ross Filice
8:25 - Rare cervical PID "Cervicitis" - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
13:15 - Type 1 vs Type 3 Gastric NET? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
18:52 - GDA pseudoaneurysm + hemorrhagic ascites mimicking simple ascites due to anemia - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
23:30 - Treated lymphoma mimicking sclerosing mesenteritis.... or did the SM cause lymphoma?? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
28:03 - Can FNH have capsular retraction?? Dr. Victoria Chernyak
30:57 - Companion case - a biopsy proven sclerosed hemangioma! Dr. Victoria Chernyak
35:40 - Splenic angiosarcoma causing splenomegaly and expansile heterogeneous mass - Dr. Victroria Chernyak
Abdominal Case Conference - 7/14/2020
0:00 - Lupus vasculitis - two cases! Dr. Gitanali Bijaj
4:42 - GVHD of the bowel - Dr. Gitanjali Bijaj
10:53 - What is this foreign body in the bowel?? Dr. Roopa Ram
18:40 - Rare case of Actinomycosis involving the GB - Dr. Kedar Jambhekar
23:25 - Fatty lesion of the adrenal - diagnosis? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
26:48 - Uterine fibroid vs cotyledonoid leiomyosarcoma?? Dr. Aarti Sekhar
29:49 - Biopsy proven renal sinus AML! Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Abdominal Case Conference - 7/7/2020
0:00 - Masses in a patient with myeloma - Dr. Roopa Ram 11:35 - Coagulative necrosis of the pancreas mimicking hemorrhagic pancreatitis - Dr. Victoria Chernyak 16:40 - Crazy case of neurolysis involving the celiac axis and causing hepatic, pancreatic and splenic necrosis - Dr. Victoria Chernyak 21:33 - Rare Botryoid sarcoma of the vagina - Dr. Victoria Chernyak 25:37 - Focal fat vs adenoma?? Dr. Victoria Chernyak
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference - 6/30/2020
0:00 - RUQ calcs from.... a large Renal AVF, also causing high output cardiac failure - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
5:45 - Eloesser flap for chronic empyema - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
8:58 - Cavoportal hemitransposition for liver transplant in patient with PV / SMV thrombosis - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
16:24 - "Retained surgical specimen" after sleeve gastrectomy - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
19:29 - POHL "Post-oxaliplatin Heterogeneity of the liver" in the spectrum of SOS - Dr. Nelly Tan
26:25 - Cute type 3 choledochocele - Dr. Amar Udare
30:20 - LIRADS pitfall - Siderotic nodule is LIRADS 2! - Dr. Victoria Chernyak
45:03 - What is causing these megavesicles?? - Dr. Ivan Pedrosa
Abdominal Case Conference 6/23/2020
0:00 - Didelphys uterus or Septate uterus?? - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
3:10 - Third inflow "hot spots" in the liver from SVC obstruction - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
8:20 - Cutaneous cutis in renal failure - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
10:35 - Carcinosarcoma of the uterus - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
12:35 - Bowel abnormality in patient with HHT (Osler Weber Rendu) - Dr. Nelly Tan
18:53 - Mystery mesenteric mass! - Dr. Nelly Tan
23:52 - Duodenal hematoma - Dr. Gitanjali Bajaj
30:05 - T2 dark renal cortices - diagnosis? Dr. Gitanjali Bajaj
Abdominal Case Conference - 6/16/2020
0:00 - Rare multicystic biliary hamartoma - Dr. Gitanjali Bajaj 6:15 - Malignant PEComa (Sugar tumor) of the uterus! - Dr. Gitanjali Bajaj 14:00 - Xanthogranulomatous cholecsytitis with cystic artery pseudoaneurysm! (sorry for the technical issues!) - Dr. Victoria Chernyak 18:00 - XRT induced bowel strictures treated with hyperbaric oxygen - Dr. Aarti Sekhar 25:25 - HSG: Communicating hydrosalpinx can decrease fertility - Dr. Aarti Sekhar 29:30 - Large liver abscess from fusobacterium nephrophorum Lemierre's disease?? - Dr. Aarti Sekhar 33:40 - Calcifying Fibrous Pseudotumor of the pancreas (unicorn!) - Dr. Victoria Chernyak 36:35 - LIRADS pitfall! Do not adjust category if lesion has ancillary feature of both benignity and malignancy - Dr. Victoria Cherynak 42:09 - Delayed diaphragmatic rupture with gastric volvulus and SBO - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference 6/2/2020
0:00 Rectal GIST leading to Penile and perineal metastases - Dr. Kedar Jambhekar 9:30 Eye test! Did you see that cecal adenocarcinoma? Dr. Nelly Tan 11:20 Polypoid GB masses - what do you know about ICPN?? A rad-path review - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Monday, May 11, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Friday, April 24, 2020
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Friday, April 10, 2020
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Friday, April 3, 2020
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
Striated nephrogram on DWI - Dr. Aarti Sekhar
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Friday, February 7, 2020
Abdominal Case Conference 2/23/2021
1:10 - Peterson space internal hernia from Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy 5:08 - hx of cervical cancer s/p remote radiation with radiatio...

Join us for Abdominal Cases for Aces e very Tuesday at 11am PST / 2 pm EST ! Zoom ID 210-616-481 - Direct message us on Twitter for the p...
1:10 - Peterson space internal hernia from Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy 5:08 - hx of cervical cancer s/p remote radiation with radiatio...